The secrets of chinese medicine are thousands of years old. According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, health is characterized as the person’s whole self being in balance and being in harmony with nature. When the balance is disrupted and when Qi (the energetic and material basis everything) doesn’t flow properly, illness occurs. Needles are inserted into points on the body in order to restore balance and maintain the proper, free-flow of Qi.

Accupuncture is a really special treatment. I love accupuncture and can only recommend it. You hardly feel the very thin needles and they work on your meridianes. Accupuncture helps you with physical or organic issues, as well as phsychological problems (like traumas e.g.). What impresses me the most is that accupuncture can really let things come up in your mind, like subcouncious things, you didn’t even remember happend in your life. It is facniating me to see or really feel the connection between body and soul. You can’t treat one without the other. Accupuncture is a perfectly energetic treatment that stimulates your ‚Chi‘. When the Chi flows perfectly your body can heal itself.

Happy news !

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