Honestly, I think a clay bath is one of the best things you can do for your skin. Most effective it is to find a natural clay source and put on a clay masc unto the whole body, including the hair. I recently took a clay bath in nature and it was most enrichening to my skin and my hair. After the clay bath, I sundreid the clay and washed the clay off with natural salty sea water. For days my skin and hair stayed very soft and I loved it!

It is also very helpful to heal skin, bones, muscles and sinews.

If you are not in the situation to live nearby a natural clay source, you can do your own clay bath at home by using ghassoul clay for example or white healing clay. Just add some of the dry clay into your usual bathing water or mix yourself a whole body clay masc before you shower.

It is perfect for the regeneration of your skin!

Happy news !

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